05. July 2013 - 06. July 2013 Dynamics of Molecules and Materials-II

University of Glasgow, Scotland


Satellite workshop of the International Conference on Neutron Scattering ICNS 2013


The dynamics of molecular units that compose materials contain key information that is indispensable in order to understand and, possibly, to attempt to control atomic bonding in condensed matter. The vast majority of complex materials such as catalysts, zeolites, polymers and most biological objects are only available in polycrystalline form. Inelastic neutron scattering experiments on dedicated time-of-flight and filter-analyser instruments provide high quality spectral distributions of vibration density in the energy domain from a few meV (tens of cm-1) to a few hundred meV (thousands of cm-1), which serve as input to, and constraints of, models of atomic bonding and even structural models of these complex compounds. The Workshop will highlight the existing experimental capabilities in the leading neutron scattering centres (ILL, ISIS, SNS and others) as well as available computational resources. The principal aim of the Workshop will consist of an exchange of results and ideas from different techniques and methods, both experimental and computational. An additional goal is to receive input from the existing community in order to identify trends in scientific directions, to define the most informative experiments to be performed as well as future needs in modelling and new instrumentation. Naturally, while emphasising neutron scattering based studies we will give sufficient space to optical and X-ray spectroscopy in order to understand what the whole community needs to enable insight into complex materials.


Abstract submission (oral/poster): 15 May 2013
Notification of acceptance of oral contributions: 15 May 2013
Accommodation at the University of Glasgow: 30 May 2013
Final Programme communication: 15 June 2013


ILL, University of Glasgow, ISIS

Contact Name

Laurence Tellier





+33 (0) 4 76 20 70 60